Customer reviews about Direct-Vet

positive94.2%(196 reviews)
Average rating: 9.6/10neutral3.4%(7 reviews)
Number of reviews: 208negative2.4%(5 reviews)

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Delivery too slow
I'm happy with the website and what I received, but it took approx 3 weeks to arrive despite ordering from a .ie website. So I'd be hesitant to order again based on this.
Paul B.03/28/2023
I have no problem with your company but what is your delivery driver on? Last time he left the delivery blocking the cat flap. Ironic, wasn't it as it had cat biscuits in it. This time he left the box lying flat ouside the front door, on the ground, on a wet day! There is quite an overhang of the roof but they left it further out? Did you say something to them last time and now they are being vindictive?
Alan R.12/30/2022
Direct-Vet - Average rating: 9.6/10 - Number of reviews: 208